Oh that's real nice...
Oh that's real nice...
Half expected Stewie to just shoot the family out of nowhere, then it'd REALLY be a Adult Swim show
Glad to see Chowder finally standing up for himself for once.
Didn't see that coming legit lmao
this is almost exactly what I always imagine whenever I've heard this in the video
if I throw it back is it fast enough, and if I speed it up can you handle that- THE FORMULA
So, lick it now, lick it good
Lick this pussy just like you should
Right now, lick it good
Lick this pussy just like you should
What a nasty little man
Also great use of those weirdo doll figure pieces, real shame no one uses them for stuff like this.
still my favourite bit is seeing Matt without his face running and screaming after retrieving it
one half a point down for the mort foot licking scene
-1 point for not having the guy choke on the single giant boba
Ehrm.. Its called a star. Not a point.. Eerrm Sorry to break it to you my dude urrrmmm
Casual Artist, Aspiring game developer, Writer , Whore, Loser, MSpaint apologist.
Age 23, TransFem
Professional Bitch
The School of Lisa Spriting
Joined on 5/21/20