I feel new emotions that I can't describe
I feel new emotions that I can't describe
Don't you fucking give this any artistic merit.
Reminds me of a 2000's cartoon network show background
Thank you!
Early 2000s is definitely part of the style I’m goin’ for!
kinda reminsd me of a model from Quake 2
You should, the original is pretty neato, it's like Eldrich nasty shit mixed with like rusty future tech, the sequel is just all future stuff not as cool
never played quake ill have to look that up
... pesci
but what if it was purple
hmmm... perhaps
goddamn that is cozy
Just picture it with more trash everywhere and then it's more accurate
This shit made my dopamine kick into fucking turbo drive this is the kinda shit I love to see
This comment did the same for me fucK
This is some fuckin Adult Swim late night shit right here, and I probably would absolutely watch an animated version of half in the bag this is great
ah, i see you a man of a culture
i wish they make a half in a bag sealab sequel or somthing
I'd watch a cartoon in this style of this guy
I would too! lol
this shit reminds me of a dream I had, where around the end there was this red flesh pipe come in and it telling me "Do not delete it"
RE: You could say it was a nightmare, but before that Red Pipe Monster, it started with Peter Griffin in a real life Haunted Mansion where he talks to a guy on a TV, gets turned into a chair with a like, Mario 64 piano mouth, proceeding to be eaten by the wall behind me... which I guess despite that it's pretty close to a nightmare lmao
whoah, that's a crazy dream! almost a NIGHTMARE! thaks for sharing, the message is brutally scary!
*spooked highfives
Casual Artist, Aspiring game developer, Writer , Whore, Loser, MSpaint apologist.
Age 23, TransFem
Professional Bitch
The School of Lisa Spriting
Joined on 5/21/20