what is this from or is it just a original sprite
what is this from or is it just a original sprite
It's from Hello Kitty World, an NES game similar to balloon fight. The angry expression comes from I want to be the Boshy
Immient death
also the dog on the bike is pogging lmao
parappa looks like a fuckin dilbert lmao
man I remember being actually scared of that thing as a kid this brings back some fuckin memories
Haha, yeah same, i actually believed this story was real back then, it's real nostalgic. Thanks for seeing my art lmao
The Life
The Stankular Leg
Doug Walker
Parkour Nun coming to a theatre near you this Summer
I feel like this could be some weird way of doing like "high detail" things for battles in the LISA style without just having to upscale a sprite for them but regardless this is a baggin sprite dude
That would be an interesting take on the battler sprites but it would require alot of work, lisa sprites are already kinda big anyways.
Casual Artist, Aspiring game developer, Writer , Whore, Loser, MSpaint apologist.
Age 23, TransFem
Professional Bitch
The School of Lisa Spriting
Joined on 5/21/20